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Have Questions About Acid Reflux? Well Answer Them

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Posted on: 08/26/22
Have Questions About Acid Reflux? Well Answer Them

Finding out that you have acid reflux problems can really put a crimp in your lifestyle. It can keep you from enjoying your meals, and it can keep you from enjoying your day period. Consider the following helpful advice concerning making sure you kick acid reflux to the curb and start enjoying life.

There are some foods which people who suffer from acid reflux must avoid. These include high-fat foods, alcohol, drinks with caffeine, anything with mint in it, chocolate, citrus, anything with tomato in it, foods with spices in them, peppers, garlic, carbonated drinks and onions. You may find your acid reflux flares with many other foods as well, so make a list.

Never, ever, EVER lie down after you eat! Even if you have only had a few bites, you may find that food comes back to haunt you in short order if you lie down. Eat all meals at least two hours before lying down for a nap or overnight to ensure that acid doesnt sneak back up your esophagus.

High fat foods may be tasty, but that can be troublesome for anyone who suffers from acid reflux. Foods that are high in fat cause the sphincter of the lower portion of the esophagus to become relaxed and increase the time it takes for the stomach to empty. Both of these conditions make it possible for acid reflux to occur. Eat a healthy balanced diet of vegetables, fiber, grains, and lean protein.

Dont drink alcohol if you are trying to treat symptoms of acid reflux. The effects of alcohol actually work to relax the muscles in your esophagus, which worsens reflux. Consider what you are eating, how you are eating and if youve got too much stress in your life as possible reasons for frequent acid reflux and change them before reaching for your next drink.

Sometimes, you will have extreme cases of acid reflux, even to the point where you think you are having a heart attack. Dont ever make the mistake of ignoring serious pain in your chest. It is possible your chest pain is a heart attack. Talk to a doctor to learn how to handle the situation. Even if it means an extra trip to urgent care, it is better than risking your life.

Raise up your bed to where your top half is higher up. Use a wedge or a plank to raise the head of your bed. The head of the bed should be approximately six inches higher. When your torso and head are elevated, it should stop stomach acid from rising during rest.


It is important to avoid vigorous exercise if you deal with GERD. When you are compressing the stomach violently, youll find that acid makes its way up into your esophagus. Instead, engage in moderate activity which helps you lose weight, stay in shape and yet ensures that acid stays where it belongs.

Exercise daily to help reduce acid reflux. These exercises should be low impact exercises such as walking. Gravity is known to help decrease the odds of acid reflux; therefore, go for a walk after eating to lessen the effects of stomach upset and increased stomach acids. Exercising will also help you lose weight which will aid in reducing acid reflux.

Exercise regularly but moderately. Your acid reflux problem should not be as bad if you are in shape and live an active lifestyle. Avoid exercising intensely or your stomach could become upset. You could for instance go for walks everyday or find a new hobby that allows you to be more active.

Perhaps you now feel empowered with the tips and advice that have been given to you. It is time that you realized just how much of a difference a few changes can make. Acid reflux doesnt have to dominate your life. Instead, use what you have read to take back control.

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